Leading a Coherent Life Driven by Purpose

The experience of becoming a COHERENT LEADER and becoming an inspiring human being



This course is offered to support personal and professional development based on the coherent life model developed by Lara Bezerra. With this course, we aim to increase global prosperity by a common commitment to impact humanity, communities, society, and our planet collectively. In the systemic world we live in, the more we work for collective success and prosperity, the more successful we can be individually.



With this course, you should learn how to unleash the natural leader that exists in yourself. When you develop consciousness about who you are and what your purpose is in life and live a coherent life where you are one person, guided by this purpose in all areas of your life, you will naturally inspire people - you become a natural leader. With this consciousness, you will start a natural evolution of your leadership by aiming to keep living a coherent life.


Pillars and foundation

The model was created by Lara Bezerra, who has over 30 years of senior executive and leadership experience across three continents. Her unique leadership style is the result of a diverse learning approach that includes quantum physics, psychology, and ancestral philosophy. Her theory is based on the belief that everyone can be a leader and increase their productivity exponentially by living their purpose and using their work as a tool to achieve it. Lara's approach also emphasizes the importance of motivation and emotions, which is why she includes neuroscience in her teachings and provides tools to build positive neuroplasticity. This brings a neuro productivity that becomes embedded in the personality of the person, meaning a true transformation that generates a positive impact in the organizations and environment where the person belongs. This as a consequence, significantly improves the organizations' neuro cognition behavior (the decision-making process of the companies).

The four pillars of her model are


Lesson 1

Lesson 2
Coherence – Being Coherent

Lesson 3
World Coherence

Lesson 4
Why Coherence

Lesson 5
Work-Life Coherence

Lesson 6
Coherence Flow

Lesson 7
Coherence impact

Lesson 8
Coherence & Neuroplastiicty & Epigenetics

Lesson 1

Lesson 2
Awareness – what are the areas of influence/impact

Lesson 3
Self awareness – What makes who we are?

Lesson 4
Exercise 1 – Knowing yourself & Tip Self awareness

Lesson 5

Lesson 6
Positive Negative vs Constructive destructive

Lesson 7
Understanding experiences we live

Lesson 8
Exercise 2 – rewriting your experiences & Tips Emotions

Lesson 1
Success – new concept

Lesson 2
Work – new concept

Lesson 3
Life + Work vs Life x work

Lesson 4
Ikigai / Purpose – inner connection

Lesson 5
SDGs – outer connection

Lesson 6
Exercise 3 – work meaningful

Lesson 7
Life Balance

Lesson 1
Using U Theory to Lead Conflicts & Creating Dialogues

Lesson 2
Guided Dialogues with Intentionality – Purpose at the Center

Lesson 3
Third Reflection – Leading Diversity with Intentionality

Lesson 4
Third Reflection – Guided Steps

Lesson 5
Conclusions Reflections

Lesson 1
Connecting life piecess

Lesson 2
Leveraging Coherence – resonance

Lesson 3
Coherence – start now

Lesson 4
Work, the life coherence – resonance

Lesson 5
Finding support – coherence flow

Lesson 6
Behavior/ communication

Lesson 1
Understanding experiences we live

Lesson 2
Self awareness – Neuroplasticity / Epigenetics

Lesson 3
The brain and neuroplasticiy The brain emotional triple power

Lesson 4

Lesson 5
Emotions & Neuroplasticity

Lesson 6
Leaders, neuroplasticity engineers Neuroplasticiy & Epigenetics

Lesson 7
Leaders – resonance

Lesson 8

Lesson 9

Lesson 1
What is the story we are writing?

Lesson 2
Finding Harmony

Lesson 3
Losing Harmony

Lesson 4
Learning to learn LLL

Lesson 5
Life cycles

Lesson 6
Inspiring leader

Lesson 7
create more coherent leaders, nurturing cultures

Lesson 8
Come to the movement

Leading Diversity and Polarities coherently for Outstanding Results

Leading diverse teams and situations of conflict with Purpose


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