About Us



We believe in human beings and their infinite potential to connect and build a better world when their Purpose drives them.

We are a family of the world’s citizens whose Purpose is to live our lives intentionally and in coherence with our beliefs and values.

WorkCoherence project started right after Lara had to leave the company she loved and her dream job as a “Chief Purpose Officer” (Managing Director) in India.

During 7 or 8 months, she and her family went through a deep reflection/experience of the IKIGAI. Her passion is to work with people, contribute with Purpose, and live an intentional life.

One of her strengths is the ability to transform her knowledge into teaching material that people “can learn” from and, consequently, transform businesses through transforming people and thus, obtain excellent results through Collective Purpose. The world needs people who connect their Purpose with their chosen work and transform companies into a harmonious environment. Through this transformation, they can positively impact society and achieve a more financially sustainable company.

A new vocation was emerging for the whole family.

WorkCoherence is an expression of gratitude for every learning experience gained from working with great teams and organizations that made it possible for her and her family to live her Purpose.

The world is waking up to the fifth industrial revolution, a revolution of hearts. In the digital era, humans’ soft skills are the essential asset for this revolution to go in the right direction. We must regain our belief in humanity and its potential, live in harmony with nature, and lead the future consciously.

Now is the right time to give back, sharing the ideas that brought us here. We want to continue working on what is necessary to help coherent and conscious leaders build more leaders and foster the right environment so that more light reaches more corners of the world.



What is our Ikigai, reason for existing? What do we believe in?


We believe that any journey starts when we comprehend why we exist. So the moment we decided to devote our lives to bringing coherence into the world, we asked ourselves the key question, “Why do we exist?”.
This Ikigai is the first approach to the answer. We want to help target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, which means we want to work on educating people on how to live a sustainable life, fostering peace, global citizenship, and great compassion.
We are focused on achieving this Ikigai through helping people to develop their potential to become leaders, inspiring organizations to be an ideal place for advancing humankind towards a better future.

Our Passions:

To enlighten people and communities / To unleash collective wisdom / To dialogue about the future of humankind.

What are we good at?

We are good at sharing knowledge, lifelong learning, and inspiring to unleash exponential wisdom/potential.

What we may be paid for:

For inspiring groups/organizations, supporting leaders to go to an upper level, and fostering dialogues to release collective wisdom.

What does the world need and we can offer?

SDG Target 4.7 by 2030 ensures all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development (Source

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