Life Miracles… 2 years ago, 2 years later…


Life Miracles… 2 years ago, 2 years later…

Today I came into a post in facebook of 2 years ago… “…today, 2 years ago…” It was a picture of an early dinner in our club, VAAC, in Caracas. It was Sunday, closing the year, 2 years ago… The happiness, the problems, the issues were the same quantity, the same effect in our hearts, but different…. 2 years ago, the family worries were 2 persons worries, the professional worries were about values, dreams, peoples future… 2 years ago, I had no clue what was about to come with the new year… 2 years ago, the present was so present, that no past disturbed, and no future made me dream… 2 years ago, the problems and worries blinded me, my focus was in my work, in my fights, in my husband, in my company, and nothing could break me… 2 years ago, I had a strength that made my heart a stone, my mind sharp, my wishes material… 2 years ago I had no dream of love, the pure type, the unconditional type… 2 years ago, still I was so happy, so happy, that I could not ask for more… These are the miracles of life… When you are happy, your life seems full, you seem successful, both personally and professionally. You love what you do, you love your family, your siblings, your husband, and you have all the time to travel, know the world, enjoy whatever you want… …then the miracles happen… … then you discover that still there is more… 2 years ago, I had no clue that my destiny was written, 2 years ago, I did not know that God had already reserved 3 creatures to be part of my life, of my soul… 2 years ago… who would guess? 2 years ago… who could ever dream? 2 years ago, the lessons life gave me made me happy with what I had, made me thank God for what He gave 2 years ago, no expectations were leading my life for something that I did not have…

2 years ago, I did not know that my heart was capable of so much love… 2 years ago, I did not know that we, were not 2, but 5… 2 years ago, I did not know that 2 could made 5 so happy, that 5 could make 2 so much happier… 2 years ago, I did not know I was married with the best father ever 2 years ago, I did not know that I could be a mother that I would be proud of…

Life miracles, what are they??

Life miracles happened in our life when you less expect, you might not see it, you might loose it, if you get caught by problems, issues, instead of thanking… Being thankful, being glad, opening your heart and your soul to your destiny, your life, you might be presented to a gift…

Gifts = miracles….

Yes, they do exist, and today, 2 years later, looking at that picture, and remembering the moment, so clear in my mind, and having been so glad and in love with my husband, I am glad that I enjoyed with all my heart all the moments, until my miracle happened… I have no regrets, I have nothing that I would change or I would have done differently…

I just would have looked for my happiness before, I would have decided with my heart and not my brain, I would have done without fear what turned to be the biggest miracle of our lives…

2 years ago, we were happy 2… 2 years later, we are blessed, infinitely happier, gladder, and flooding in love 5…

Life miracles exist, believe on them, dream on them, look for them, fight for them, and open a space in your heart, your soul for them…

Miracle do exist, I am a witness of it, I am a victim of it, I am the happiest person in the world right now…

Thanks God, thanks 2014 – you were tough, you were challenging, you made me cry, you made me smile, you gave my life miracle… …thanks 2014, looking forward to living you, 2015…

:))) Blessings to everybody!!!!!

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