But after seeing more and more people coming to my office to say goodbye, and see inside the eyes of each one, the speech had changed a lot…
I can not count how many people have come to tell that it was an opportunity that they could not refuse, but also telling that they are not giving up on their country… The going “expat”, the challenge of going to another country is also bringing a rare feeling in Venezuelans, people lately had had a bad emotion to accept a proposal outside, or when they finally decide to leave the country, the guilty has become a nightmare…
Last weeks, not only in my work, but also outside, I have repeated many times that deciding to leave does not mean giving up on their country. Indeed each Venezuelan behaviour and each Venezuelan success outside brings an image to Venezuela that can change the bad impression raised by all circumstances…. Once one decides to go, should not have this additional feeling of guilty, should not listen to the people who judge, or criticise.
The choice of staying or going is very private and the reasons do not matter for anybody but the person him/herself.
Neither should the person feel sorry or excuse him/herself to the ones who stay… I heard, 2 weeks ago, somebody who told me that she should talk to me, she does not work with me anymore, but she decided to leave, she was very nervous and told me that she needed to apologise to me, that she needed to tell me herself the reasons why she decided to go, simply because she felt very bad for leaving her country while someone foreigner as me stay with all the love and all the faith on her country… As I said, our motives are only ours, and from the bottom of my heart I have too many reasons to stay, I have too many “missions” I still did not finish… Among them around 6000 patients that depend on us to further live…
I do not feel myself a heroine or anything that one should be over proud of herself, what I do feel is just a clear feeling that here is my place right now, exactly as once, in 1999, I also felt that my place was the world… I also left my country, I also left my family, my friends, my workplace, I also felt sorry for leaving and not growing and fighting for my country, but something bigger attracted me, the world…
Now, not less than before, I have not 1 country, but 6, I do not have the same friends, but I have many more who were worth the sacrifice, I miss my workplace, I even changed the company I work for and still feel in love with my work, and above all, I have a family, which I would never have if I had not left my country, and this is part of my deepest mission in Venezuela.
When we all realise that life will always bring us to the right path, when we all find the correct faith, the correct trust in ourselves, we will take decisions easier, and then we will have our mind, our hearts together with our purpose focused on finding the “right place at the right moment” – and only at this moment we will know that we are doing the right thing, and we will not apologise, feel sorry, we will have only to balance our feelings of leaving something to meet other somethings, we will only have to see forward and live our lives, giving ourselves the chance of trying, mainly if your are sure of your purpose and believe it from the bottom of your heart with all values and principles that back you up…
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